Frontmatter Actions are a set of commands to create, update and delete Google events by using the frontmatter of an active note.

Open Event from Frontmatter

To get the details of the linked Google Event from the EventNote use the Open gCal Event from Frontmatter command. This will open the EventDetailsView with the details of the event. This command will only run if an event-id is present in the frontmatter, signaling that this note is an EventNote.

Create Event from Frontmatter

To create a new Google Event from the frontmatter of an active note use the Create gCal Event from Frontmatter command. This command will only run if no event-id is present in the frontmatter, signaling that this note is not linked to an event yet. The command will create a new event and use the data provided by the frontmatter to fill in the details. After the event is created the event-id will be added to the frontmatter, turning this note into an EventNote. To allow a more flexible naming you can use a mapping.

title: My event title
  dateTime: 2023-10-01T12:00:00+02:00
  dateTime: 2023-10-01T13:00:00+02:00
location: My event location

Update Event from Frontmatter

To update an existing Google Event from the frontmatter of an active note use the Update gCal Event from Frontmatter command. This command will only run if an event-id is present in the frontmatter, signaling that this note is an EventNote. The command will update the event and use the data provided by the frontmatter to fill in the details. To allow a more flexible naming you can use a mapping.

Delete Event from Frontmatter

To delete an existing Google Event from the frontmatter of an active note use the Delete gCal Event from Frontmatter command. This command will only run if an event-id is present in the frontmatter, signaling that this note is an EventNote. The command will delete the event and remove the event-id from the frontmatter.


The mapping is a way to define how the frontmatter of a note is mapped to the event details. This allows you to use different names for the frontmatter and the event details. The mapping is defined in another note and can then by selected by using the mapping key in the frontmatter with the path to the mapping note.
 title: summary
 startTime: start.dateTime
 endTime: end.dateTime
Example note
mapping: SubFolder/
title: Test
start: 2023-10-01T03:57:00
end: 2023-10-05T18:50:00
# Note title
Note content

Special Values

You can include the content of the note in the event description.

  • To include the whole note set the description key to File.
  • To include only the headers set the description key to Headers.
  • To include specific section of the note set the description key to an array of numbers.

The numbers represent the headers of the note. If the header is included in the array the content under the header will be included in the description. You can use negative numbers to address the headers from the end of the note. Instead of a number you can also enter a array of two numbers indication a range of headers.


  • description: [0, 1] will include the content of the first two headers.
  • description: [0, -1] will include the content of the first and last header.
  • description: [[0, 2], [-3, -1]] will include the content of the first three and the last three headers.
Example note
mapping: SubFolder/
title: Test
start: 2023-10-01T03:57:00
end: 2023-10-05T18:50:00
description: [0, -1]