
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Obsidian Google Calendar Plugin. Your help is greatly appreciated! This guide will walk you through the process of contributing to the plugin, including code contributions, documentation improvements, and examples.

Understanding the Plugin

Before you begin, it’s essential to understand the purpose and functionality of the Obsidian Google Calendar Plugin. Familiarize yourself with the plugin’s features, settings, and its overall functionality within the Obsidian note-taking app. You can find this information in the plugin’s README file and this documentation.

Join the Community

To start contributing effectively, it’s a good idea to join the community associated with the Obsidian Google Calendar Plugin. Here are some ways to get involved:

GitHub Repository: Visit the plugin's [GitHub repository]( to find issues, discussions, and pull requests related to the plugin. You can interact with other contributors, ask questions, and learn about ongoing development efforts.

Reddit: Answer questions and share your knowledge with other users on the [Obsidian subreddit](

Types of Contributions

Contributions to the Obsidian Google Calendar Plugin can take various forms:

Code Contributions

If you have programming skills, you can contribute by writing code, fixing bugs, or adding new features to the plugin. Here’s how:

a. Fork the Repository: Fork the plugin’s GitHub repository to create a copy in your GitHub account.

b. Clone the Fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git.

c. Make Changes: Make your code changes

d. Create a Pull Request: Push your changes to your forked repository and create a pull request (PR) to propose your changes to the plugin maintainers.

e. Participate in Code Review: Be responsive to feedback during the code review process, and iterate on your contribution as needed.


Well-structured documentation is crucial for the plugin’s usability. You can help by:

a. Updating Documentation: Review and update the plugin’s README file and this documentation as needed. Ensure that instructions are clear and up to date.

b. Writing Tutorials: Create tutorials or guides to help users understand how to use the plugin effectively.

Examples and Use Cases

Sharing real-world examples and use cases can be immensely helpful for users. Create and share examples of how the Obsidian Google Calendar Plugin can be used to enhance productivity.

How to start the plugin in development mode

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm i to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm run dev to start the plugin in development mode
  4. Open Obsidian and enable the plugin in the settings

How to start the documentation in development mode

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Change directory to documentation
  3. Run npm i to install the dependencies
  4. Run npx quartz build --serve to start the documentation in development mode
  5. Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser