The Obsidian Google Calendar API allows you to query for events on your own. The function getEvents is publicly exposed so codeblocks from Templater or Dataview can access it.


The argument of the getEvents function is a object to allow named parameters.

startDateDefine the start moment of the query rangemomenttoday
endDateDefine the end moment of the query rangemomenttoday
excludeA list of calendar names or ids to exclude from the query resultstring[][]
includeA list of calendar names or ids to include in the query resultstring[][]

when not using include, exclude the result will contain all your calendars except the black listed ones from the settings page.

const {getEvents} =["google-calendar"].api;
const theEvents = await getEvents({
startDate: window.moment("12/06/2022")
tR = theEvents.reduce((text, event )=> text += "\n" + event.summary, "");